
Here you can find all of my publications so far, hope you find them interesting.

Under review / in progress

  1. Chenwei Shi, Qian Chen, and Qingyu He (2024). Naming Sets: New Axiomatization of the Modal Logic in the Bimodal Base $L(R, −R)$. Accepted by AWPL 2025.

  2. Qian Chen and Penghao Du (2024). Logic of Local Link Variations: Characterization, Model Checking and Satisfiability. under review.

  3. Qian Chen (2024). Pretabular Tense Logics over S4t [Preprint]. arXiv.

  4. Jeremy Seligman and Qian Chen (2024). Applied Logic. Manuscript.

Published Works

  1. Qian Chen (2024). Pretabular Tense Logics over S4t (Abstract). TACL 2024, Book of Abstracts 88-89. Link
  1. Qian Chen, Chenwei Shi, and Yiyan Wang (2024). Reasoning about dependence, preference, and coalitional power. Journal of Philosophical Logic: 53, 99–130. DOI:

  2. Qian Chen and Dazhu Li (2024). Logic of the Hide and Seek Game: Characterization, Axiomatization, Decidability. In: Gierasimczuk, N., Velázquez-Quesada, F.R. (eds) Dynamic Logic. New Trends and Applications. DaLí 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14401. Springer, Cham. DOI:

  3. Penghao Du and Qian Chen (2024). Axiomatization of Hybrid Logic of Link Variations. In: Gierasimczuk, N., Velázquez-Quesada, F.R. (eds) Dynamic Logic. New Trends and Applications. DaLí 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14401. Springer, Cham. DOI:

  4. Qian Chen and Minghui Ma (2023). Modal logic of generalized separated topological spaces. In Banerjee, M. and Sreejith, A. V., editors. Logic and its applications. ICLA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13963, pages 92-104. Springer, Cham. DOI:

  5. Qian Chen and Minghui Ma (2022). Tabularity and Post-completeness in Tense Logic. The Review of Symbolic Logic. DOI:

  6. Minghui Ma and Qian Chen (2022). Finite model property in weakly transitive tense logics. Studia Logica 111: 217–250. DOI:

  7. Minghui Ma and Qian Chen (2021). Lattices of finitely alternative tense logics. Studia Logica 109: 1093–1118. DOI:

  8. Weakly transitive tense logic. BA Thesis. Sun Yat-sen University, 2021. Written in Chinese.

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